Classic sawn

Veitsiluoto Sawmill

Veitsiluoto Sawmill, located in Kemi (one of the most important Finnish port cities) on the Gulf of Bothnia, in the northern part of Finland, produces sawn timber.

Key facts

  • Stora Enso Division: Wood products
  • Country: Finland
  • Products: Sawn timber
  • Annual capacity: 200 000 m3 (sawn timber)
  • Number of employees: 56
  • Founded: 1922

Stora Enso Veitsiluoto Oy
Rivinkarintie 69, PL 244
FI-94830 Kemi

+358 2046 131

Wood productsFind us
pine, bio-based materials

What is a renewable material?

It’s a material that will not run out – such as trees, which can be planted and re-grown. Products made from wood contribute to a circular and more sustainable world.

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