3 persons in the forest

Health and safety at Stora Enso

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A safe and healthy working environment is at the core of all our business activities and processes. It also plays an important role in supporting productivity and efficiency at work. Our aim is to provide an accident-free workplace for all. Stora Enso's safety commitment applies equally, not only to our own employees, but also to contractors and other visitors at our sites. Everyone is expected and encouraged to take an active role in supporting the continuous improvement of safety.

Enhancing health and safety

Our safety work comprises proactive safety initiatives and the engagement of employees, preventive risk management, the investigation of incidents, and the sharing of findings across divisions. Divisions and units have safety training programmes to ensure all employees have the necessary health and safety related competencies and skills.

Stora Enso utilises the ‘Fair and Just’ approach to safety incidents, focused on understanding the root cause and preventing re-occurrence, ensuring fair investigation procedures, and fostering accountability. The Group’s approach to safety goes beyond physical safety, and employees and contractors are encouraged to proactively identify and report unsafe situations or actions.

Contractor and supplier safety
Stora Enso’s comprehensive approach to safety covers everyone working in and visiting our operations, including our employees, contractors, suppliers, and on-site visitors. Stora Enso also monitors the number of safety incidents among on-site, logistics, and forestry contractors. We have also introduced consistent visitor inductions, that include safety information, for all our units.

We encourage everyone to give feedback and provide ideas on how to further improve safety. Additionally, we promote safety among our contractors and suppliers through a dedicated Safety Trail e-learning. As a part of the aligned group-wide contracting process, Stora Enso asks its suppliers to sign in the Supplier Code of Conduct. It sets suppliers’ requirements on safety management, safety measurement, and performance monitoring.

Health and wellbeing

We believe that the foundation for physical and mental health and wellbeing in the workplace is based on people management, organisation of work, and an inclusive work environment that promotes both physical and mental health. All these factors impact the health and wellbeing, including stress levels of our employees, and need to be addressed to create wellbeing in the organisation. We follow wellbeing in our employee survey that focuses on inclusion and organisational factors impacting health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Goals and key actions

In 2023, a new leading indicator, the ´Safety Engagement Rate`, was introduced to divisions and to sourcing and logistics operations to monitor proactive safety reporting. The indicator includes, for example, near misses, safety walks, safety observations, and improvement ideas. The leading indicator complements the lagging indicator on Total Recordable Incidents (TRI) and emphasises the importance of preventive risk action, and everyone’s responsibility in ensuring a safe workplace.

Key actions

  1. To further reinforce accountability in improving safety performance and carrying out targeted mitigating and corrective actions, accountability is transferred to divisions.
  2. New leading safety indicator, the ‘Safety Engagement Rate’, introduced in 2023, focused on preventive safety management.
  3. Both lagging (TRI) and leading safety indicators linked to remuneration as a component of the short-term incentive programme.
  4. Continuous development and extension of the coverage of the Stora Enso safety notification and observation system (SMART), available for both employees and contractors.

Read more about our safety performance in the Annual Report. TRI rate is reported also quarterly in the Group's interim reports

Stora Enso safety principles

Safety is what we do everyday

Safety is essential to our work, not an addition. It's part of our skillsets and our professionalism. In the end, it also creates profitability and is refelected in the quality of our products. 

We all have a role in safety

Safety is a team effort. Let's all take ownership and actively ensure a safe and healthy work environment, both physically and mentally. 

No task is worth risking safety

Every task is important, but nothing is as vital as your health and well-being. Each of us has a duty to speak up if we notice any unsafe practices or shortcuts. 

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