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We care about your forests

Stora Enso procures the majority of its wood needed for the mills from private forest owners, state forests and companies in Finland, Sweden, the Baltic states, and Continental Europe.

We source wood sustainably for renewable Stora Enso products, always taking into account economic, social, and environmental aspects. We know the origin of all the wood we use, promoting forest certifications and third-party traceability systems, and make every effort to ensure that more trees are grown than harvested.

Services for the whole life cycle of your forest

We aim for the highest value of your wood, utilising and manufacturing the raw material for renewable applications in packaging, wooden constructions, biomaterials and paper. Out of the material we provide, our customers can replace fossil-based materials and plastics by making for example different packages, glues and paints, wooden building solutions and much more. Our services to forest owners range across the whole life cycle of your forest, including forestry care, harvesting, procurement, certifications and advisory services (taxes, ownership).

Stora Enso is active in numerous local and global forestry associations, networks, and programmes, including the Forest Solutions Group (FSG) of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and The Forests Dialogue (TFD) , as well as FSC and PEFC

Below you can find the links to the dedicated websites for wood sourcing in Finland, Sweden and Central Europe/the Baltics.

Visit our forest website
Tree top
Stora Enso runs sustainable forest operations, meaning that the trees we harvest are always replaced with new ones.

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