pine forest

Sustainability reporting

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Stora Enso's annual report includes a strategy review, sustainability reporting, corporate governance, remuneration report and financial report. The full report can be found at

Sustainability reporting 2023

Double materiality
Stora Enso acknowledges the concept of double materiality. When assessing the most relevant topics that influence or are affected by the Group’s value chain, Stora Enso takes into consideration both financial and non-financial risks and opportunities, as well as the Group’s most significant impacts on society and the environment. During 2023, Stora Enso updated its materiality analysis to ensure that it prioritises the most relevant sustainability topics in the implementation of its sustainability agenda, target setting, and reporting. The materiality assessment was aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) 2021 recommendations, and was inspired by CSRD guidance. In order to ensure alignment with the upcoming legislation, Stora Enso is conducting a new double materiality assessment according to EFRAG’s implementation guidelines from December 2023.

External assurance
The Sustainability reporting, including EU Taxonomy and Stora Enso as a taxpayer, has been assured by an independent thirdparty assurance provider with a level of Limited Assurance. A level of Reasonable Assurance has been provided for direct and indirect fossil CO2e emissions.

GRI Content Index
Stora Enso’s sustainability reporting is prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards covering all General Disclosures and Topic-specific Standards deemed material. The GRI Content
Index lists disclosures with reference to the GRI Standards and refers to the locations where these issues are addressed.  

SASB Content Index
Stora Enso’s report against the SASB’s Sustainability Accounting Standards includes the standards for Forest Management and Containers & Packaging. In the SASB content index, the specific
standard indicators are listed with references to the locations of these disclosures in Stora Enso’s annual reporting.

Task-Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
The Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommends a framework for disclosing climate-related risks and opportunities.
Stora Enso's disclosures with reference to TCFD recommendations are listed in an index table. 

EU Taxonomy
Stora Enso's reporting in accordance with the EU Taxonomy disclosure requirements is described in the Report of the Board of Directors. 

Tulips in a corrugated box 

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