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Coronavirus and Stora Enso

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Like the majority of businesses across the world right now, Stora Enso is monitoring the development of the coronavirus/COVID-19 situation and planning our operations accordingly.

We have had a response team in place since early February, and we have activated contingency plans and safety routines to mitigate the impacts of the outbreak.

Our focus is to keep our colleagues as safe as possible and alleviate the business impact on our operations globally. We work to ensure that we can continue to supply vital materials to our customers across the world, many of whom serve the medical, hygiene and food industries. We are staying in close contact with our customers to understand how their businesses are impacted and do all we can to respond to their needs and keep supply chains moving. We are also ensuring our ability to return to normalised operations and to capture future growth opportunities when markets recover.

We are monitoring the situation closely and complying with guidelines and recommendations as stated by the World Health Organization and other relevant authorities.

Stay safe everyone.

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