Birch forest

Stora Enso - Most Innovative Supplier by Husqvarna

The Husqvarna Group recently named Stora Enso its most innovative supplier. Stora Enso supplies corrugated packaging to Husqvarna and received the prestigious Innovation Award during its annual event for suppliers. Stora Enso’s achievements include producing Cone Box, a new, innovative packaging solution for Husqvarna’s chainsaws.

In addition to its unique design, Cone Box has reinforced protection for the guide bar.

The new packaging solution saves on transportation costs, reduces complaints and is a winner for the environment. Cone Box has enabled Husqvarna to:

  • increase fill capacity with 37%
  • decrease the number of pallets by 5,300
  • decrease the number of containers by 180
  • reduce CO2 emissions by 190 tonnes

In its citation for the award, Husqvarna mentioned that Stora Enso invests for the long term in competence, resources and proactive involvement in order to understand its customers’ needs. Through this initiative, Stora Enso has enabled Husqvarna to sustainably achieve its ambitious goals concerning development and innovations in the supply chain.

Stefan Idren, Key account manager, Stora Enso, Division Packaging Solutions, Sascha Menges, President of Husqvarna Division and Fredrik Stensson, Sales Director, Stora Enso, Division Packaging Solutions.

“We are naturally both proud and pleased to receive this award from Husqvarna, with whom we have been collaborating for many years,” says Fredrik Stensson, Sales Director at Stora Enso, Division Packaging Solutions. “We work continually on innovation at Stora Enso, and in partnership with customers like Husqvarna we have the opportunity to make a big difference, as regards both cost and the environment.”

Stora Enso will display selected innovation packaging products, including the Cone Box, at the upcoming Scanpack exhibition in Gothenburg 23-26 October.

For further information, please contact:
Carl Norell
SVP Communications, Packaging Solutions Stora Enso
+46 722 410 349

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