Mum reading to her baby

Books for babies

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Finland supports reading culture in families by donating a book to every child during their first visit at the health centre.

Many of us know about the enormous educational benefits of reading books to children. Listening to regular read-aloud stories boosts children’s vocabulary, supports their emotional development, and has even a major influence on the future school performance. Sadly, various studies show that nowadays families read less books to their children.

The Finnish Cultural Foundation has started a programme with the Finnish Reading Centre to encourage the parents of small children to read aloud to them. During the campaign all babies born in 2019-2021 will receive a free book gift when they visit at their health centre for the first time.

Over twenty different countries around Europe have taken similar initiatives to support the reading culture in families. The results have been good, proving that a book gift is beneficial especially for the less reading parents and their children. Even just one good bedtime story can help creating an enthusiasm in reading that will last a lifetime.

The donated books are printed on Stora Enso’s paper.