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EcoVadis: Stora Enso among top 1% globally in sustainability performance

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With a top score of 82/100, Stora Enso has received EcoVadis’ highest recognition level, Platinum, for its sustainability performance as a supplier.

The sustainable supplier rating organisation EcoVadis has rated Stora Enso a top 1% performer among all companies assessed by Ecovadis, and also a top 1% performer in the pulp, paper, and paperboard industry. The themes of the assessment include:

  • Labour & Human Rights (Stora Enso a top 1% performer in our industry)
  • Ethics (top 1% performer), and
  • Sustainable Procurement (top 1% performer), and
  • Environment (top 4% performer).

More than 60 000 businesses are included in the EcoVadis network, working to assess, collaborate, and improve global corporate sustainability. EcoVadis’ sustainability scorecards provide detailed insight into environmental, social, and ethical risks across 198 purchasing categories and 155 countries.

Ecovadis Platinum Stora Enso 2020