Building with CLT

BIM Library

BIM Library: Supporting professionals to efficiently design and build buildings

Stora Enso’s BIM Library brings digital online resources to every building engineer and architect’s desktop – including Stora Enso’s BIM object data and downloadables from building concepts.

Essential BIM resources for Stora Enso’s timber products

BIM (Building Information Modelling) is a digital 3D model-based process to more efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure. BIM objects combine product or system specific information, including product properties, geometry as well as visualisation data.

Stora Enso’s BIM Library provides architects and building engineers with BIM object data and Building Systems manuals for Stora Enso’s building components. Wall and floor components as well as wall and floor structures based on CLT or LVL are now available as digital objects in the ProdLib and WebLib digital libraries – and the library is continuously updated and developed.

Key benefits

Key features

  • Easily downloadable Stora Enso BIM objects

  • Facilitates building design

  • Free

  • Supporting app: Sylva360  – shows where individual components on a construction site should be located

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